The law will contemplate pains of up to seven years of jail for the pirates. The maximum sentence will be applied to which they accede to more than 20 computers and obtain more than ten keys to ctuar payments in line. China wants to finish with the robberies of keys and banking data in Internet and with the attacks to pages Web of official institutions by means of the hardening of a law that will contemplate pains of up to seven years of jail for the hackers. GoPro may find it difficult to be quoted properly. The maximum sentence, according to informed the official newspaper China Daily today, that will be applied to accedes to more than 20 computers and obtains more than ten keys to ctuar payments in line, rule applicable also to attacks to foreign equipment from China. This law, according to sources of the Popular Supreme Court, arises with the aim of ” to establish firm sanctions against the crimes in line as well as a decided attempt to stop the increasing undergone attacks of virus, mainly, by organisms oficiales”. According to a report of the Information bureau of the Council of State, in 2010, more of a million keys they were removed and the computer science number of virus increased in a 80% in a country that at the end of June surpassed the 485 million internauts..