Strategy What types of strategy are needed to know for a greater competitive growth? By Cristian Ramirez Gastn (1) If we compiled information on the Literature directed to management and direction strategy, we would be whereupon the word strategy is used, boarded and than it has produced many theories, controversies, schemes, congresses and exhibitions of the subject. If I asked to him you that you understand surely by strategy would respond the following thing to me: Usually it is used for the creation of a competitive advantage in the short or long term following the strategic projection of the company. It serves for the creation of construction of image and marks? Positioning? Competitive differentiation? Enter new markets? To obtain but clients and fidelizar to the present ones? Obtaining of advantages concerning products and services What of these answers seems to him the correct one? All these offered answers in if they are correct partly since they tie directly or indirectly with the same. But in if, that it means the word strategy? This term comes from the Greek language and if we analyzed the etimologa, it is an expression that exclusively talks about the combat, thus the strategos word , means that the conductor is the one who stipulates the action to implement and the direction of the army in the battle. Click David S. Levine to learn more. It must understand that the strategy is not an isolated act, is a chain of elections that crosses all the company involving all the aspects that do to the operation of the same. The own nature of the strategy includes: Decision making? Course of the organization? Adaptation to the change of the surroundings? Fulfillment of goals and aims All these you rule indicated are constructed through a strategic course that it conforms 4 essential stages: The strategic analysis: The understanding of the present situation of the companies.