You are tired of working for a stranger and you decide to start their own business. First of all you need to decide on the legal form of your enterprises': fe or llc. Financial statements based on company harder, but you are responsible only to the extent authorized capital, and pi is responsible to all of his possessions. Imagine that you decided to register a company. Consider the steps that you need to do for this: 1.Vybiraete brand name of the organization 2.Vybiraete activity by nace 3.Opredelyaete the founders and their equity stake in 4.Opredelyaete amount of share capital (at least 10000rub.). Of them at once to be only 5000r., the remaining amount, a year after opening. 5.Vybiraete General Director 6.Gotovite documents: passport director and founder, tin (or notarized copies), a document of title or long-term lease on the premises on which the registered legal address, a statement on Form N R11001, completed strictly in accordance with the law, the company charter, minutes of the General Meeting of Shareholders 7.Vy make a state fee for registration of a bank (4000r.) 8.Sdaete documents to the tax authorities 9.Cherez 5 days take away documents from ifts 10.Poluchaete extracts statistical codes of the regional statistical authority 11.Izgotavlivaete print 12.Sostavlyaete list of participants of 13.Otkryvaete bank account and reports on its opening in your body ifts 14.Nachinaete accounting Congratulations, you have registered the company.