Between the first half of August is dara announced the new amount that is assigned to the State for purchases to SMEs in Peru, which will benefit all SMEs at national level, as it was reported the Minister of production, Jose Nicanor Gonzales. Shopping at Myperu has been implemented by the Government to mitigate the effects of the current international crisis, acquiring a series of products to these companies. The Minister also indicated that the beneficiary sectors (health, interior and education) differ in volume of assignments, but is also working to encourage many more SMEs. This week both produces and MEF will make a detailed assessment to what will the year 2010 to see that fashion can foster this initiative. Gonzales said that with the support of the MEF will review several of the urgency decrees that do not allow that the advances are more concrete.
Number Prime 3,000 SMEs have participated so far in the shopping Myperu program. Between the first half of August is dara announced the new amount You will assign the State for purchases to SMEs in Peru, with which benefit all SMEs nationally, reported it the Minister of production, Jose Nicanor Gonzales.las Myperu purchases has been implemented by the Government to mitigate the effects of the current international crisis, acquiring a series of products to these companies.The Minister also indicated that the beneficiary sectors (health, interior and education) differ in volume of assignments, but it is also working to encourage many more Mypes.Esta both week produces as the MEF will make a detailed assessment to what will the year 2010 to see that fashion can foster this initiative. Gonzales said that with the support of the MEF will review several of the urgency decrees that do not allow that the advances are more concrete.Number primo3, 000 SMEs have participated so far in the shopping Myperu program.. .