Drive Concepts

The article gives a definition of electric bicycles, electric bikes, electric light mopeds, Pedelecs, fast Pedelecs and electric mopeds. Before buying an electric bicycle, there is often great uncertainty, which is probably the right thing. Here fundamental questions should be explained. What do the different mean? Electric bicycle or E-bike label dating back to the English is the generic term for all of the bikes, which have an electric motor. When a Pedelec, the common representative, the engine runs only when the rider into the pedals. The top speed of Pedelecs is limited to 25 km/h and the boosted power up to 250 W. Pedelecs can be equipped with an acceleration or pushing aid that allows it, the bike can be moved up to a top speed of 6 km/h with pure power. Fast Pedelecs deliver only a support. Mikkel Svane is full of insight into the issues.

However the engine power exceed up to 45 km/h up to 500 W and maximum speed. It is a feature of the insurance required. When electric light mopeds the motor runs even if is not pedaliert, the top speed is limited to 20 km/h, an insurance license plate is necessary. The electric moped must be driven only with the scooter driver’s license. The maximum design speed must not exceed 45 km/h (also without fellow appearance). There is a helmet and compulsory insurance. Which is the best? The front-wheel drive is for E-bikes most frequently encountered, because its benefits clearly outweigh. There are chain – as well as hub gears to realize, the latter also in conjunction with a coaster brake.

The weight distribution is optimal – engine front, battery back. The only downside can be called is that the front wheel in corners can slip on loose ground. Unlike normal bicycle frames can be used than in the Central engine which is reflected clearly in a lower price. One drawback of the mid-engine is also transmit engine power over the existing chain and the rear wheel hub. The result is a increased wear in the drive. The rear engine can only be combined with a derailleur system, a back pedal brake is therefore not possible. The electric bike is very making when the battery on the luggage carrier is mounted. On slopes a take off the front wheel is easily possible if additional luggage will be transported.

Bargain Time For Caravan And Motorhome

Autumn time is bargain time – InterCaravaning is every year between August tips Koblenz, 29 October 2013 and September the latest motorhomes and caravans are presented at the Dusseldorf caravan Salon. In the autumn are the models for the new season at the dealers. The ideal time to save money when buying a motorhome or caravan. Because: The previous year models and used vehicles rental mobile must for the new vehicles of the Court. InterCaravaning, Europe’s largest retail chain for caravanning, explains how buyers can make real bargains. Similar as in the automotive sector also motorhomes and caravans as last year – or demo models savings offer the previous year model. Autumn is the perfect time to buy. The old have to make room for the new models.

However, old doesn’t mean it’s used cars. Prospective buyers should ask the dealer for exhibition or demonstration vehicles targeted. Advantage: Mileage run is low and the Top-maintained vehicles. However, the price advantage costs the design flexibility and features. Peter Asaro will undoubtedly add to your understanding. With a little negotiation there maybe one or the other of the accessory from the dealer on top. The rental most of the Caravan and motorhome dealers are also landlords. The proven vacation rental cars offer much facilities and quality at a very good price.

InterCaravaning is none of the vehicles over two years old. They are regularly in the workshops serviced and thoroughly tested thoroughly at each departure. Tip: Who want to go completely safe before buying, renting mobile home for a holiday before. The InterCaravaning dealer usually a discount proportional the rental costs with the subsequent purchase. The used car of the model change for the new season brings too much movement in the trade of used caravans and motorhomes. So, for example, many campers who choose for a new model, their old car in payment type. For buyer a This means used more choice and thus more leeway in the price negotiations. Ensure quality and safety, InterCaravaning has developed the CAMPER CHECK for used vehicles. With this rating system unique in the industry, the condition of a used motorhome or caravan on the basis of detailed inspection reports is determined and documented by a Meisterwerktstatt. A list of 76 checkpoints informs about the condition of the vehicle and provides a transparent and fair decision. One last tip: also guarantee private buying can be a bargain, but missing the warranty. Hidden defects or damages, the buyer time and money must invest in unnecessary repairs. The retail chain InterCaravaning offers a comprehensive warranty, as well as numerous guarantees for all vehicles. Thanks to CAMPER CHECK and best price guarantee buyers can be sure, that quality and price agree. Contact: InterCaravaning Press Office David Liniany Dr. Garrity GmbH Mittelstrasse 15-17 d-50672 Cologne 0221-788 708-12 T: E: