New stone and brick surfaces. If the clutch is made in pustoshovku and has sufficient roughness, should only obmesti her broom against dust and wash well with water. When the surface is dirty, clean them, and sometimes dent. If the seams were embroidered, ie completely filled with a solution, they should be cut down to a depth of not less than one centimeter and then cleaned with a steel brush. New concrete surface with sufficient roughness, swept from the dust and washed well with water. If they do not have sufficient roughness, they are sure to scratch, and contaminated sites cleaned with steel brushes or cut down. Stone and concrete surfaces, standing plastered over a year and also heavily polluted with dust and soot, necessarily require incisions, cleaning and washing.
Contaminated with clay or painted with oil paint the place cleaned especially carefully. In that case, when in masonry or concrete will be weak and easy to defend ourselves with nips or loose during cleaning brushes places they need to cut down a solid foundation. Preparation surfaces can be performed by any tools available at hand. However, they all must be firmly planted on solid handle, to prevent them from falling during operation and thereby prevent injuries and bruises. When nakovke surfaces are best worn goggles. Cleaning is usually done with a steel brush. Keep it mostly with one hand. To increase productivity it is desirable to strengthen the brush on a long handle that allows you to hold it with both hands.
Brush puts to the surface, pressed down and make cleaning, moving it in different directions. During treatment with contaminated surfaces peeled off a thin film. Surface contaminated with oils and resins should be carefully cut at a depth not to leave their mark. Even the slightest traces of oil could eventually tread, and will not help here, no plaster.