Who with caravan or motorhome traveling is, faced with the problem of the constant supply of drinking water. Instead of gallons water bottles to take to traveling and sacrificing precious storage space, it is also significantly easier: convert Filopur water filter tank water into pure drinking water. Mobile travel will be properly scheduled. Just for holiday stays abroad, the supply of fresh drinking water can be sometimes an ordeal. Different returnable bottle systems and the often poor quality of water at the outlets require planning and logistical effort every time. The frequently occurring in the Caravan and motorhome germination of tank water and the resulting treatment with chemicals, such as chlorine and/or silver nitrate, clearly restrict the carefree edibility of tank water as drinking water.
The purchase and the carrying of bottle water mean also in the Caravan and motorhome a reduction of valuable storage space and an unnecessary loading to water, which is carried in the tank already on board. The practical Filopur water filters provide a quick and easy workaround: you are the ecologically and economically sensible alternative to drinking from the bottle. The tank water is drinking water during any travel in the Caravan and motorhome is an important companion a drinking water filter. The use of Filopur water filters, the tank water is cleaned through a combination of activated carbon and micro-pore filtration and prepares to clean drinking water. Based on this filtering technology, the tank water is cleaned of bacteria, viruses, chlorine, pesticides, heavy metals and many other pollutants and odours, while maintaining the natural minerals and salts in the water. So can be both in real tank treatment as well as be germinated tank enjoy the water from the tap with safety. Unlike other filter systems, water directly out of the filter is taken with Filopur water filters, which can lead to any subsequent contamination.