Using Your Head To Victory

Better Betreut is winner of the founder competition head hits capital 2011 Berlin, 01.11.2011 – at this year’s competition of the founder head beats capital”of the Foundation of entrepreneurship is the social innovative and original business concept of better Betreut against more than 90 nominees. The award ceremony was part of the entrepreneurship summit 2011, and took place on October 29, 2011 in Berlin’s Henry Ford Bau. The competition is one of the largest German Foundation competitions and was held exclusively in the Web 2.0. Concepts were assessed by Internet users. Thus, the audience gave more than 130,000 participants in 92 nominated concepts.

In total, over 40,000 votes were fired. Connect with other leaders such as Peter Asaro here. Could convince better supervised especially with the innovative business idea which Europe was successfully with much head and little capital. Previously, it was believed that you need much capital to start a business. Today it is possible to set up successfully with well thought-out concepts and little capital”, commented Gunter Faltin, Professor of entrepreneurship at the free University of Berlin, to the idea of competition. Capital is no longer the bottleneck. Head hits capital.”innovative ideas are just ‘ value ‘, if accepted and consumed by the customer.

The audience award proves that our solutions to the needs of families and companies are designed to”, Steffen Zoller, Managing Director of better supervised GmbH, about winning the contest forward. The award motivates us even more, our products among to pursue as our global platform – and to improve. We follow the idea: ‘ international services made in Germany'”.” For the better Betreut, this already is the third award this year. “” The Berlin-based company counts since may, 2011 as a red herring TOP 100 Europe “and was in the August company of the year award” awarded at the international business awards (Stevie). The better Betreut offers better Betreut TuV tested solutions for the reconciliation of family and career. In 15 European countries, families will find the appropriate support in the categories of child and animal care, as well as household and garden. An experienced team advising also competently to questions around the topic of care. International companies and scientific institutions take advantage of the companies service of the better Betreut. Supports better serves hundreds of thousands of workers in Germany. The offer could be expanded with the brand Aupairnet24. Users have now worldwide access to the benefits of better care. BESSER Betreut was awarded several times internationally for its successful concept. More info can be found on and press requests Stephanie K.n better Betreut Roth first breed 9 10245 Berlin T: + 49 30 / 29 36 38-917 F: + 49 30 / 29 36 38-99 m: W: