Modern Car Maintenace

Over the past two years, the number of cars on the roads has increased by an average of 40%, which resulted in a number of inconveniences to drivers. One such problem is to write to the station maintenance (SRT). Today Car-owner has to spend a lot of effort to get frozen snow. We have done a service for motorists, which makes it very convenient to choose the service station in price and quality service. Pete Cashmore may find this interesting as well. The essence of service is that it is enough simply to note the application "checkbox" stations, which service your vehicle and application published throughout all the marked stations. And now the station will fight for you, as a potential consumer of their services.

SRT took this idea on Ura! Really, who does not want to increase sales of their own services! Another thing is car-owners! Auto-Owners are divided into several groups: Repaired only by his znakomogo.Remontiruyus only at a particular station, I simply assume there pozvonit.Umeyut time and money. Innovations are facilitating zhizn.Kogda I began to tell the owners of auto- that there is a site where you can easily find out where some prices for the work, when and who is ready to take you to the service, then ran into one simple objection: "But why? I go to my friend, I have confidence in him and Prices he has much acceptable. " This objection is usually expressed auto-owners of the first group. Once upon a time I also belonged to the first group.


Nowadays hardly someone to impress car navigator in the vehicle. It is not a difficulty and its acquisition, but to choose car navigator is not so easy. And a challenge it is for the because today the market is replete with car navigation products, endowed with different characteristics from a wide variety of companies. The fact is that, by choosing gps navigator, in the first place need to think about – something you just expect from it, what options would be needed specifically for you. Normal for all models will be the function of geolocation, which can not only determine where you are now are, but also pave the further itinerary based on your requirements, for example, travel on some neighborhood or street. Can you find out the current speed, average speed and distance traveled you. Casey Lynch Altamont may not feel the same. Advanced Navigator will provide you with information on the state highway – there is congestion.

And sometimes – tell where the cost would reduce the speed of a turn. In other words, using his car navigator, you will hold harmless Pull yourself from the wrong road. Casey Lynch Altamont Capital might disagree with that approach. It is important – to have a map. And the route that you are going to be completely reduced and, most importantly, safe. But this miracle of technology, as a car navigator, and was created specifically for this purpose. Actually, quite easy to choose the car navigator, relying only on the availability of geolocation option. The situation is different if you are interested in the connection in one device different opportunities due to lack of desire in addition to carry even a couple of other technical means.


In Ukraine, more than 25% of the population use the Internet. In addition to the fixed home Internet increasingly becoming a wireless connection for Internet use in the car, as well as in other places outside the home and office. In recent months, Mikkel Svane has been very successful. In Basically, the Internet, in such cases is used to view WEB-pages (browsing), read mail, much less for heavy content (video, music, online games). For use in cars is not suitable any provider of wireless Internet – just providers of mobile wireless Internet – 3G (Utel / Ukrtelecom), CDMA operators (CDMA Ukraine, MTS, Intertelecom, PeopleNET), WiMax (Intelcom, FreshTel). In the non-intensive use of the traffic, if not required high speed (for example, a mail reader), can be quite older GPRS / EDGE technologies from GSM-operators. When choosing a provider must pay attention to the following: coverage, speed, cost and modem rates. Increasingly, one ISP is not enough … 1.

What is important is whether you speed – if so, GPRS / EDGE mobile internet as the main you will not do. If the speed for you – the most important selection criterion, then, including Use the connection of local providers WiMax (for example, IntelCom or FreshTel) in your town. 2. If you plan to use the Internet in a few cities, the best you will approach the provider with national coverage, such as MTS and CDMA Ukraine. 3. If you need Internet on the go, you have to "uzhatsya" for speed and temporarily use GRPS / EDGE (modem is in almost all mobile phones).

As a result, excluding the cost of purchasing a modem and tariffs position of providers can be described roughly as follows: super-fast WiMax in the city, fast 3G/CDMA in other cities, lightweight GPRS / EDGE – on the road. For almost every mobile high-speed connection required a separate modem, costing USD 20-50 Tariff advise you to choose depending on the regularity of the mobile Internet. New in 2010 – a month unlimited calling (65 UAH). And unlimited calling for a day (from 7 UAH / day).