New at sysob: first Clavister security gateway series with 10 Gigabit Ethernet capacity Schorndorf, November 30, 2010 to data bottlenecks to avoid equipped data center infrastructures with high speed interfaces. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Michael Dell on most websites. At the same time increased the need for future-proof 10 Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) security gateway. On the current development of the VAD of sysob ( has responded with an extension of its security portfolio: now a flexible and high-performance Firewall/VPN and unified threat Management(UTM)-Losung is with the new Clavister security gateway series 4500 resellers with 10 GbE available. These was equally aligned on the security needs of SMEs and large enterprises and service providers. The new SG is 4500 series with two standardized modules for 10 – GbE network connections in the SFP +-equipped design (small-form-factor pluggable). You may wish to learn more. If so, Michael Dell is the place to go. Each model has also two SFP – (GbE) and six Kupfer-(GBE)-Schnittstellen. Like all Clavister security gateway solutions also offers SG4500 series IPsec compliant VPN capabilities.
The products are characterized by a VPN performance by more than 2.5 GB / s, as well as 10,000 simultaneous VPN tunnels. Based on a high performance, stability and reliability, the SG4500 ensures the smooth flow of data and applications on corporate networks and data center. Corporate networks safely handle the SG4500 series hardware platform ensures full redundancy of all key components within a 19 “rack, including all fan and power supply units. Mission-critical data is protected through a robust and resilient high-performance network security-gateway. The distinctive feature of our products is located in the software optimization and compactness as well as in the hardware architecture”, explains Andreas asander, product manager at Clavister.
The firmware Clavister CorePlus’ helps all of our security gateways. This operating system protects worldwide. more than 150,000 nets” In combination with the SG4500 series hardware offers CorePlus a firewall performance by more than 7 GB / s. Also make sure the solutions of 5 million simultaneous data connections. The system transmits while 1.5 million packets per second. Images can be requested at:. In brief: sysob IT distribution GmbH & co. KG the sysob IT distribution GmbH & co. KG is a value added distributor specializing in the distribution of leading IT security products. Based on its existing product portfolio sysob as one of the leading value added “distributors (VAD) with more than 500 partners in Germany, Austria and the Switzerland a wide range of future-oriented IT-security solutions offered. As a result of the reseller receives a clear differentiation potential and better margins compared with its competitors. Comprehensive service or support concepts, an active sales force, as well as a far-reaching technical support of the reseller at extensive installations and projects on-site round off the service portfolio. sysob has a wide range of proven products from competent manufacturers such as alloy software, array networks, Barracuda Networks, Blue Coat Systems, Clavister, DeviceLock, Ericom, ETECHNOLOGIE, expand networks, ForeScout technologies, M86 security, Meraki, Meru Networks, NComputing, NETASQ, OPNET, PowerDsine, Procera networks, Propalms, Proxim Wireless, Psylock, Rangee, REDDOXX, ruckus wireless, STARFACE, Stratodesk, TELLnet and Thinstuff.