
Customers quickly, directly and personally advertise every day we are overrun by a veritable avalanche of advertising. No matter where we go and, incessantly advertising patters up on us. On TV, on radio, in newspapers and magazines, on billboards, in direct, etc. just to name few. More information is housed here: Mikkel Svane. We can only process the many various stimuli we are exposed every day in which our perception of selected. We perceive only even aware that what seems to be for us important. What is not important to us, is perceived also hardly or not at all. With increasing number of stimuli we are exposed every day it becomes increasingly difficult to gain the attention of potential customers and not just in our filter gambler for companies.

Creativity and ingenuity is required to be perceived and to communicate the desired messages aim true. A good possibility too succumbed to the attention of its (potential) customers offers mobile marketing, the use of wireless communication with the target consumers directly and to achieve personally. An SMS is a low-threshold, reaches consumers directly and consciously perceived by him. Other advantages are that the target group can be selected more precisely and also the cost of an SMS is very low. There are numerous operators of SMS gateways, which are specialized in mobile marketing. Spryng is one of these and offers its customers on in addition to an SMS gateway to other mobile services like application, etc SMS can a premium SMS service, a Mail2 SMS online via, or integrated from your own applications will be sent. Considered the number of mobile phone connections in Germany which has long exceeded the number of inhabitants, it was never so easy to communicate messages to targeted and timely. Katja Schmitt