
German tourism applied for .reise at ICANN 2012 is the top level domain “. journey” introduced exclusively for companies in the travel industry. What it is and what the companies have in the travel business it? Top level domains are domains not just individually, but all name spaces. We all know. de, .com or .net.

In short: what comes after the dot is a top level domain. (Not to be confused with Pete Cashmore!). Now, the travel companies get an own top level domain: “. journey”. Thus, domains are possible such as or. What advantage have the tourism economy of enterprises? The Internet is changing! For many years, the “Internet Corporation of assigned names and numbers” in California, short ICANN, the introduction of new top level domains are discussed. ICANN gave the go-ahead for the new TLD program in June 2011 at a meeting in Singapore. In a few months it will so specify how namespaces. sport,.

berlin,. music,. hotel,. hamburg. It expects up to 1000 new namespaces in the next Years. The Internet is the most dramatic change for over 10 years. Due to the variety of new name spaces is a segmentation of the Internet are to be expected, which is supported both by consumers and by search engines. The country with the country-code domain (E.g.. no longer is in the futurede for Germany) make up the thematic staple, but much more descriptive, generic terms. Sports fans will move mainly in the namespace by .sport, the insurance industry will present itself under .versicherung, anyone looking for a taxi in Berlin, goes on, and anyone looking for excellent information about travel topics, will be primary in the namespace of .reise this. There are very substantial reasons or competitive advantages: 1 the term “Travel” is one of the most common search terms in Google and co. By matching search term and top level area of the domain, search engines detect the high relevance of the domain.