Employment Service

The Russians finally felt the crisis to the fullest. In employment centers across the country willing to stand in long lines to register. The experts 'work' explain what you can help Labour Exchange. Samsung: the source for more info. In January, about one-third increase number of people wishing to register at the Labour Exchange. In the Moscow offices – the queue in the regions, especially in cities where rose city forming company – now pandemonium. Motives to register at all different.

Thus, Elena Fedorchuk from Moscow, with whom we met in the center Employment , hopes to complete the program of retraining and finding work in another specialty. "I worked at the plant, even with a computer does not turn I can, I want to complete the computer courses, and then try to get the Secretary. " Employment Service does provide its customers the opportunity to pass additional training, such as master various computer programs, complete the short course on development of a new profession, say, the scorer of the case. own. For those whose profession in crisis ceased to be relevant, it's a good opportunity to change the profile and look for use in another area. Most of the visitors to the Labour Exchange hopes to find a decent job. If earlier between the registration and offer of employment was held at least a week, now lists 'burning' vacancies are offered to visitors immediately after the execution of all documents. 'I came here the first time – tells a visitor center in Marina Grove, who was fired in January engineer Victor – just an hour in the queue, but just showed a few vacancies.