Federal Indians

They inhabit areas northwestern of the Maranho, in the aboriginal locality of Turiau, the transistion for the Amazonian Equatorial Domain. Population: approximately 130 individuals. Gavio (Pukobi)? it says to the language timbira, belongs to the family j, of the trunk macro-j. The Population inhabits ME.: aprox.306 individuals. (1983 data) Krikati? of language timibira, inhabits ME, population: aprox.325 individuals (given of 1983) Apaniekra Cinnamon? of language timibira, inhabits ME, population: aprox.274 individuals (given of 1983) Rankokamekra Cinnamon – of language timibira, inhabits ME, population: 718 indians (given of 1983) Bakairi? he says the language of bakairi, of the family karib, qua not yet duly is classified in trunk. He inhabits the east of the Mato Grosso, Population: aprox.448 indians (given of 1983) Boror? language of the bororos, family boror, trunk macro j. Its villages are distributed by the Mato Grosso.

Population: 752 indians. Xavante? language of acuns, family j, trunk macro j, inhabit TM, population: 4413 Java/Karaj indians? Language of carajs, that not yet it has classficao in family, trunk J macro, Inhabits YOU, population: 338 Karaj indians? Language of carajs, Inhabits the Tocantins and the Mato Grosso, population: 1194 Tapirap indians? Language of tapiraps, family tupi-guarani, Inhabit TM and YOU, population: 180 Av indians? Canoeiro? Language not yet necessarily defined, family tupi-guarani, trunk tupi, population: 101 Xerente indians? Language of acuns, family j, trunk tupi, Inhabit the Tocantins, population: 850 Krah indians? Language of timbiras, family j, trunk macro j, Inhabit YOU, population: 894 Apinay indians – Language of timbiras, family j, trunk macro j, Inhabit YOU, population: 508 Guarani indians? Language of the guaranis, family tupi-guarani, trunk tupi, Inhabit Tocantins and Mato Grosso of the South, population: 12445 Kadiwu indians? Language kadiwu, family guaikuru, not yet classifcada in trunk, Inhabit the MS, population: 850 Terena indians? Language of the terena, family aruak, trunk aruak, Inhabit the MS, population: 9711 Camba indians – group on which if he does not have linguticas information, Inhabit the Mato Grosso of the South, and possess a population: of approximately 2 a thousand aboriginals.