AUPEX Visual History and Arts 16/09/09 dosFridas Wools, 1939. (The two Fridas) Lienza in oil 173,5 X 173 cm (cloth Strap = Screen in Oil) ‘ ‘ they thought that I umasurrealista age, but I not age. I never painted dreams. Prpriarealidade painted mine; ‘. (Kahlo, daily Frida.O of Frida Kahlo: p. For even more opinions, read materials from Viacom. 287).
Son of the fotgrafojudeu-German Guillermo Kahlo and Matilde Caldern and Gonzalez, a mestiamexicana, Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo y Caldern was born in day 6 of July de1907 in Coyoacn, in the City of Mexico. In 1914 she suffers from polio. In 1922, in the school where it studies, Diego Rivera knows, that is painting a mural there. In 1925 Fernando Fernndez studies painting with the commercial painter, friend of seupai. In the same year, in 17 of September, when returning from the school he suffers to one acidentede transit in which he breaks the basin and the dorsal column, beyond gravesferimentos. He starts to paint> during the convalescence.
In 1928 when Frida Kahloentra in the Mexican communist Party, it reviews the muralista Diego Rivera, with who if house in the following year. Between 1930 e1933 pass most of the time in New Iorque and Detroit with Rivera. Between 1937 e1939 Leon Trotski live in its house of Coyoacan. Frida suffers some abortions, submitting itself, still, the two surgeries: one in the foot and other to remove oapndice. Throughout the life, the painter will be submitted more than the 35 surgeries, in one of which she had amputated the right leg. After some attempts desuicdio with knives and hammers, in 13 of July of 1954, Frida Kahlo, that haviacontrado one strong pneumonia, was found deceased. The life and workmanship of Frida Kahloso impossible to summarize in a simple plot. A Woman to the front of seutempo, that she fought against the physical atony of its social body and of seugnero.