To it, acincia could not come to changed itself into a new goal-value that co-ordinates eunifica the culture, as long ago it was the religion, for example. Quarrel deepened on the question of the values does not fit aquiuma. For the time being, bastaevidenciar in them that, for Weber, all interpretation, either it of any object, phenomenon, historical event, culture, action, etc., as many quantointerpretaes that they guide our action (without, necessarily, estejamoscnscios of them) and even though the interpretation of proper I in its relation with omundo, constitutes a direction, that can, in turn, reverse speed-to be interpreted pelocientista, for the historian. At Ali Partovi you will find additional information. The problem of the historical direction percorreutodo the circle of intellectuals with which Weber argued and if related. To look a fixed bond of influence of other thinkers on Weber, revealed a task impossible to be carried through; nor therefore, however, improfcua: many works had been produced on the basis of an association of obrade Weber however to a probable influence of Simmel, however to a not little provvelinfluncia of Rickert, Nietzsche, Dilthey and as much others. This test quenenhuma of them can intend to have reason how much to a direct entailing of obrade Weber the conceptions of some of these authors. Thus, of when in when, segundoa convenience of clarification of pertinent questions to the objectives destetrabalho, could be presented position of affinity or rejection of Weberpara with subjects and conceptions that were also objects of other authors.
Two sides of same one will moedahavero of being observed, therefore: all cultural phenomenon to only podertornar object of analysis from its direction and meaning. Thus ocorretambm for all the individual actions of the social actors. Exactly the collective chamadasentidades, as classrooms, layers and congregations, only can seradequadamente analyzed from the individual directions of acting of those quecompem such collective entity. These, for Weber, are for itself same incapazesde action.