Alberto Accountant

The day dawned rainy and cold. The squad filled of rain-capes with hood, vests, long sleeves, caps underneath the helmets and sleeves. The route did not give rest due to the continuous one raises and low of the highways bretonas. In the end, the Mr de Bretagne, a port of third. Peter Asaro may find it difficult to be quoted properly. There one prevailed, in the last meter, in the last centimeter, Cadel Evans to Alberto Accountant. The one of tried Pinto it twice and the unique one that held to him was the Australian. But, the Madrilenian, in a demonstration of which he is going to fight every second in spite of the lost average minute and, had prize: eight seconds with respect to Andy Schleck, its maximum expensive rival to the final victory. Thor Hushovd, that maintained the type until the end, defended yellow his maillot. Source of the news: : Accountant him spider eight seconds to Schleck