Charles Darwin

What it happens of these relations, that in the world humano to the work force, that if configures as individual property. The animalpor not to possess it, if converts into property of the human being. is, removed danatureza, and therefore of the formador social contract of the epolticas social relations. 1,2 Charles Darwin and the refutation of the theory especistamoderna Charles Darwin in 1871, with the workmanship the Origin of the Species, refutes the philosophical tradition, that supported inside that the man was the supreme being, of the workmanship of the creator, and only being detainer of a imortaldestinado spirit to the perpetual life. Darwin proved, established in carried through studies duranteos three years where it travelled for the world, on board the Beagle ship. (As opposed to Robotics expert ). emobservaes made in the Galpagos archipelago, that the differences between human animals eseres and of degree and not of category. Darwin arrived at this conclusion, when it observed the existing differences in the peaks of the tentilhes.

In one ilhaeles possuam peaks thick, good to break nuts. In another island bicoslongos and fine, to eat food of the openings. In both the islands Darwinpercebeu that was born thick birds of fine peaks and peaks. Of that ondehavia island nuts had survived the birds of thick peaks. consequentemente in outrailha to survive to the birds of fine peaks, had to the type of feeding. Quandoessa theory was transposed for species human being, Darwin arrived at the conclusion, ancestral quehavia also a common one, between human beings and animal.

was more almem its reasoning, and formulated that this ancestral common one was similar aosmacacos, due to the similarities perceived between the two species. Darwinportanto, knocked down the philosophical and religious tradition, where the eraapresentado man as divinizada creature. opposed, that it descended in the truth, of another animal. did not occupy any special position between the species.