Standard Life

According to statistics, about 80% of men at least once cheated on his wife, and 40% have permanent mistresses. And 50% of women are dissatisfied with the existing relations, and hence they are potential traitors. How to explain this terrible trend: the fragility of nature, or love? In each case, the reasons are different. Gain insight and clarity with Bobby Sharma Bluestone. The most severely hurt those closest. And, of course, is that the most unexpected and heavy blow is treason.

According to statistics, about 80% men at least once cheated on his wife, and 40% have permanent mistresses. And 50% of women are dissatisfied with the existing relations, and hence they are potential traitors. How to explain this terrible trend: the nature or fragility of love? Hard to say. In each case, the reasons are different. Sometimes the betrayal – is a signal ended in love and then fight for it and just to forgive betrayal does not make sense.

In this case the best output gap becomes a relationship, and without reproach and scandal. After all, no wonder they say "Love can not be forced." But more often the cause of infidelity is the dissatisfaction existing relationships. Spouses over family Life no longer give each other the previous care and attention, no longer value their relationship. All this leads to estrangement from one spouse to another. And the search for the missing heat begins on the side. This kind of compensation – a call to the second half of the care and attention. It is for this reason many marriages survived infidelity is for this reason, not only did not fall, but have become even stronger.

Subjective Nature

udc 330.88 pursuing their own interests, he (the party of exchange) is often more validly serves the interests of society, than when consciously seek to do so. Adam Smith (1) The article gives an extremely simplified and extremely brief description of the theory developed by the author values, where the magnitude of the value of a commodity is determined not by the labor embodied in it, and the magnitude of the cost of this work. In accordance with the this theory, labor costs as much as is created by them the product. Useless labor, no one has created the right product, has no value. Labor cost and added labor costs are two sides of one coin.

Price is the price of goods, individuals, and the cost is the price of the goods of this type (indistinguishable from each other by products). Price is 'fighting' the system 'customer – producer', the cost of forming a certain number of such systems. Then have the terms "price" and "value" rightfully considered synonymous with what is already widely used, but that does not yet have a theoretical justification. Here, and in this theory, these terms are used as equivalent and interchangeable. The price of production and sale of goods is the sum of the price of labor throughout the succession of his producers, from producers of raw materials, energy, tools and ending with the last of its producer – the seller. Price of production and sales and is the sum of the producer price of labor, with its cost of production and sale of goods costs, which is the sum of the price of labor manufacturers of those products were used according to producer for the production and sale of their goods. Is owned by Costar shines more light on the discussion.

PET Forensic

Thus, for example, while a psychiatric study exists demonstrating that Jesus Christ was esquizofrnico and Leonardo of the paranico Vinci, attends to professionals classifying the outlaw of the school of the Royal one the side of the religious leader and the great artist. Strangely they obtain to be certain wrong at the same time, but for reasons that generally are unaware of. They are missed because the dynamics of the human behavior, the society and the universe does not function in the way as they think, the vicissitudes of the humanity is not manufactured by the pointed estigmatizados ones as responsible for such and insanity, the modern version of the crendice of the witchcraft does not exist, according to a Pleiad of authors of the proper branch. Neuropatia can exist, fails in the topography or the physiology of the nervous system, what necessarily it affects the respective function, that is, the thought and the behavior. In recent months, has been very successful. With the advent of modern technology as cat scan for emission of psitrons and ftons, identifying clearly the topographical and physiological state of the nervous system and the brain, it is relatively easy to verify such hypothesis. In having imperfections here they must correctly be renomeadas, therefore they do not constitute psicopatologias, but yes neuropatias.

The evolution of the man will retire the forensic psicopatologia surely, substituting it completely for the forensic neuropatia. In controversial cases are interesting to immediately demand the examinations of PET and SPECT. If to give positive does not have what to argue. Robotics will undoubtedly add to your understanding. But if to give negative constitute instrument of easy persuation to eliminate with the thesis insanity. The character of apposition of the semantic stigma of psychopath is entirely random, since the concept of insanity nothing more is of what the current reincarnation of the superstitions of the witchcraft and predecessors, not possessing any scientific substance capable to survive to a rigorous analysis of scientific methodology.

World Cup

Turn all your negatives into positives. The main thing that found no denial. Instead of "I'm sick that I interrupted when I'm working" write "I want to work in a calm and quiet place where I can freely concentrate on work." In addition to the words "no" is not Use the "no", "no" and so on. All the words that carry meaning negation or negativity we do not fit. Write down all your Flip on a new blank sheet of paper.

Now let's consider what else do you want? Maybe you want to go to Egypt? Or maybe you want to scuba diving? Or maybe you want to sit on the vip podium in the finals of the World Cup? You might have missed some of his desires, because they have not been expressed in you in a negative way. Write them down in addition to that, the list that already have. Think hard, do not miss. Now let's dream a little. Without any restrictions. Imagine yourself in five years.

How do you want to be? What to have? Where to live? Where rest? Where to work or not work at all? Do not put yourself to any restrictions, just a dream. You see in these dreams that any of what you have on your list of desires? If yes, then go ahead and fit. So done. In the hands of you a list of your desires. Take another look at him. Nothing is missed? Have not forgotten anything? Ca.