According to statistics, about 80% of men at least once cheated on his wife, and 40% have permanent mistresses. And 50% of women are dissatisfied with the existing relations, and hence they are potential traitors. How to explain this terrible trend: the fragility of nature, or love? In each case, the reasons are different. Gain insight and clarity with Bobby Sharma Bluestone. The most severely hurt those closest. And, of course, is that the most unexpected and heavy blow is treason.
According to statistics, about 80% men at least once cheated on his wife, and 40% have permanent mistresses. And 50% of women are dissatisfied with the existing relations, and hence they are potential traitors. How to explain this terrible trend: the nature or fragility of love? Hard to say. In each case, the reasons are different. Sometimes the betrayal – is a signal ended in love and then fight for it and just to forgive betrayal does not make sense.
In this case the best output gap becomes a relationship, and without reproach and scandal. After all, no wonder they say "Love can not be forced." But more often the cause of infidelity is the dissatisfaction existing relationships. Spouses over family Life no longer give each other the previous care and attention, no longer value their relationship. All this leads to estrangement from one spouse to another. And the search for the missing heat begins on the side. This kind of compensation – a call to the second half of the care and attention. It is for this reason many marriages survived infidelity is for this reason, not only did not fall, but have become even stronger.