From this experience I started to contemplate other people in the professional environment and the result was very interesting, because the gratitude transformed into commitment and affinity, provoking lasting bonds between the involved people, exactly in the condition of internal or external customer. What it was clearly was that this relationship does not exist when you practise a love act. To remember the anniversary of somebody without waiting nothing in exchange, only with the feeling of affection and respect provokes harmony in the work environment, makes with that people if approach to you and mainly the influence of the positive force of the love overflows in all the cantos and really starts to feel the happiness to go up to around its days, beyond the respect. Words do not exist how much to the love feeling that the people return to it, very rewarding and it is multiplied. When the adult person receives for the first time a cake from anniversary and the people sing congratulations for the light of its day, it generally it cries with much emotion and she is perpetual thanked the person who provided this happiness. The filled gap of the lack of understanding of the life transforms the future of the aniversariante. It tries to give an anniversary cake and to sing congratulations to who is its return; in environments with many people, it makes the aniversariantes of the month, in this direction vaquinha is possible to make one where each one collaborates with very little and provides to a superior happiness sets of ten of times to the little that they had collaborated. When somebody of a little of its attention, its time and its love in favor of the recognition of the life of the next one, is born to the seeds of the prosperity and the feelings of the compassion that contemplates the brightness of the joy of the LOVE in its life. More information is housed here: Zendesk.